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FIZZ Mobile

  • FIZZ Mobile

Are you looking to save some of your hard earned money that you slowly or maybe quickly toss away each month?

Each month like millions of Canadians you toss potentially hundreds of dollars away on cell phone bills. Most likely to one of the big three: Bell, Rogers or Telus. There are other options that you may of heard of but again they are most likely owned by one of the big three listed above. Public, Freedom, Chattr.


French Language Training

  • LRDG

Here I am back to the basics aging trying to learn another language. Yes, the other official language of Canada, French. I have begun my journey of learning this language on a number of fronts.

  2. LRDG
  3. Self-focus

Babbel is much like other online resources. Allowing you to complete different written, spoken and listening exercises to advance through their lessons. It allows me to "study" while away from work or home using my phone.