Smoke Free

I took the above image two months ago. Yep, two whole, big months. I took it at the time as it was the first day I was quitting and thought it represented part of what I was doing. Quitting smoking, saving money and I was prepared with the regular nicotine replacement products to help curb the urge.
I stocked up on patches, mist spray and made sure that daily, I had a large good lunch and snacks ready.
The first week I did not use the mist much but I was applying a Step 2 patch daily and ensuring I was removing it at night as that gave me some screwed up dreams in the past when I slept with it on.
After the first week, I had very little cravings so I decided to apply one patch on that Monday and leave it on. I was prepared with a patch in the pocket at all times and the mister in the pocket. Though I went 5 days before the patch fell off of my arm and at that point I figured that there was no nicotine left in it.
Since I figured I went five days with the same patch, which I assumed had little affect on me, I decided from here to go cold turkey but with the back up mister in my pocket for those rough, just-in-case moments where I would not want to f-up at this point.
Guess what here I am two months later, still smoke free, feeling better, more $$$ in my pocket with zero urge to go back. If you are wanting to quit, keep trying, try different ways. You never know what will work for you.
While this quitting time did not work. I successfully quit after my hospital stay and have been smoke free now for a number of years.
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